What is CBD Honey And How to Use it?

by Laura C. Jones

CBD or cannabidiol has now become widely available and CBD-infused honey is now proving to be a welcome addition to your wellness routine. You can add it to your drink or meal. CBD honey has many benefits and can really aid in bringing some sweetness and relaxation into your life. The benefits may even exceed that of an Everygame casino bonus.

CBD honey is a simple way of introducing some goodness into your life. Today, it is easy to find and even easier to use.   Below, we look at everything you need to know about where to get it, how to prepare it and how to enjoy it and how to gain the most out of it.

CBD infused honey explained

CBD-infused honey is basically a combination of CBD and honey. CBD is extracted from organic hemp and added to natural honey. Most of us love the sweetness of honey and it can be helpful to our bodies. When honey is infused with CBD oil it becomes even more beneficial and can help to improve your overall wellness.

CBD honey is really quite delicious and also a healthy product, one that has many health benefits. CBD can be isolate, full-spectrum, or broad spectrum and is mixed with other flavors making it more appetizing. Even without the added flavors, it does not have a bad taste but some people don’t find the “earthy’ taste of CBD so appealing, hence the added flavors.    However, the benefits of it make it very worthwhile.

CBD benefits


Honey and CBD are not new in the world of skincare. Infusing honey with CBD means doubling the benefits. The two together are very good at dealing with skin issues like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. CBD honey has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties that reduce oil which is excellent for treating acne.

For example, washing your face with CBD honey can get rid of those red spots often caused by acne. It will give you a thorough cleansing of the skin without doing any damage to new cells that may be forming. It can also help with dry, rough and itchy skin making it soft and supple, and can help to reduce wrinkles. Another benefit is honey’s ability to heal wounds.

Better brain function

Both CBD and honey are both provide nourishment for the brain. Therefore, it has great potential for improving brain function. It may enhance blood flow to areas of the brain concerned with memory processing, particularly the hippocampus. Because of its antioxidative ingredients, it can help in preventing oxidative damage to the brain.

Pinocembrin is an antioxidant found in honey and it has neuroprotective qualities. Therefore, CBD honey can be beneficial in reducing brain disorders like dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.

Improves sleep quality

Lack of Sleep can be a major issue for some people. CBD honey may be the one thing that can help you. We know that sleeping well is crucial for good health. Sleep experts recommend between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each night in order to maintain good health and feel fit and ready for the day ahead.

CBD honey promotes the production of serotonin, which is can affect how you feel. The serotonin gets changed into melatonin which is responsible for the length and quality of sleep. Adding a teaspoon or two of CBD honey into a glass of milk before bedtime will help you to sleep better.

Improving digestion

If you are having problems with digestion or constipation, taking some CBD honey and some lemon in warm water may alleviate the problems. These ingredients have the ability to clean out your colon and get rid of toxins and unwanted foods from your body. By boosting your digestion, you will be boosting your immune system and also your metabolism. CBD also helps to lower cortisol levels and to regulate your appetite, which can relieve stomach bloating.

Reducing anxiety

CBD and honey both have anxiolytic properties and therefore are able to reduce stress and anxiety. They interact with receptors in the brain as well as cannabinoid and serotonin receptors and therefore are able to impact those receptors in charge of regulating stress and anxiety and reducing them. Honey is also known to lower anxiety because it contains antioxidant flavonoids – chrysin and gallic acid. It is understood that these boost the central nervous system, improving memory and lowering anxiety.

CBD honey can also be used as a pain killer. It is also used to reduce the growth of cancer cells, improve energy, and can help to eliminate a cough or sore throat, and can lower your blood pressure.

The best ways to use CBD honey

Figuring out the correct dosage when taking CBD honey is very important. This is obviously the case with all medications. A teaspoon taken twice a day should be sufficient, morning and night. You should begin slowly and speak with your medical practitioner before you begin taking it.

How to take CBD-infused honey will depend on why you are taking it to begin with. If you are looking to improve your overall well being then taking it like you would any other honey is the preferred way, by mouth.  But you can use it as a tea or coffee sweetener. Many people add regular honey to their tea so adding CBD-infused honey to your tea would be even more beneficial.

You could put it in your smoothie. Some people are hooked on their daily smoothies. By adding CBD-infused honey you will be fortifying your smoothie with the many nutrients and benefits that come with it.

A cure for a Hangover

It seems that CBD honey is a better choice to relieve a hangover. Overdoing the drinks and suffering from headaches and a hangover the following day can be countered with CBD honey. According to NCBI’s medical experiments, it is the fructose in the honey that aids in neutralizing the toxins left in your body after consuming all that alcohol. It will reduce the effects of that dreaded hangover. Simply, mix some CBD honey with a non-alcoholic drink and wait to feel the results.

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