Improving The Quality Of Life Of People Living With Fibromyalgia

by Laura C. Jones

Taking action to improve your quality of life after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia will reduce your chances of developing depression. Research shows that people with fibromyalgia are three times more likely to have depression than the general population. This is understandable, considering the pain, sensitivity, and cognitive issues people with fibromyalgia face daily. So, let’s take a look at the steps you can take to improve your quality of life while living with this condition.

Take regular exercise

Exercise is one of the most important things you can do when you have fibromyalgia – even though it may be the last thing you feel like doing. One study concluded that aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises improved the well-being and pain levels of the study participants.

Gentle exercises such as walking, swimming, tai chi, and yoga are exercises that are recommended for people with fibromyalgia. It’s best to start slow when starting a new exercise program to help your fibromyalgia. Start with 5 to 10 minutes per day and add a minute every week until you reach a maximum of 30 minutes.

Make time for your hobbies

Keeping up with your hobbies will improve your mental health and make you feel happier and more fulfilled in life. If your fibromyalgia has made it difficult to do some of your old hobbies, find some new ones to do. Some ideal hobbies for fibromyalgia patients include knitting, reading, blogging, photography, cross-stitching, and painting. You could even turn your new hobby into a business so that you can increase your income which will improve your quality of life, too.

You may already qualify for Social Security disability benefits as fibromyalgia is recognized by The United States Social Security Administration (SSA) as a disability. However, the average SSDI benefit is just $1,358.30 per month. In many states, the cost of living is between 2.5 and 3 times higher than this, so bringing in additional income via your hobby can be beneficial.

Hire home help

Do you find household cleaning hard? You’re not alone, as people with fibromyalgia find bending to dust and tidy causes aches and pains, while vacuuming can put a strain on your entire body. There’s also the risk of overdoing things and forgetting to pace yourself. For these reasons, consider hiring a professional home cleaner to keep your home clean.

During spring and summer, you may also want to hire a gardener to keep your garden in top condition. This will keep it clean and safe for you and provide you with a great space to relax outdoors. After all, being outside is connected to better mental health, reduced risk of depression, lower stress levels, and improved sleep quality.

In summary

Fibromyalgia can significantly affect your quality of life and put you at increased risk of mental health issues. But there are plenty of things you can do to prevent this, including staying active, spending time outside, and knowing when to ask for help.

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