Type 3 Hair: Facts and Care Tips You Ought to Know

by Laura C. Jones

Type 3 hair, which you probably know as just curly hair, can be quite hard to manage. To be able to do it effortlessly and look and feel amazing, it is vital that you learn everything there is to know about this hair type. By doing so, you will be able to care for your hair the right way and keep it healthy, bouncy, and full of life.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about type 3 hair, from all its subtypes to how you should care for it. Read on, and take notes!

What Is Type 3 Hair?

As you have already read, what stylists call type 3 hair is commonly known as curly hair. Type 3 has three subtypes: a, b and c. The subtype depends on the shape of your curls and how loose, thick, coarse, or frizzy they are.

Before we dive into hair care tips, let’s first look into some unique features of each type.

Type 3a

type 3a

Type 3a curls are generally looser, softer, and larger. These curls have more of an S shape and less volume and thickness in their structure than other subtypes. They are approximately the size of a wine-bottle cork and have a natural fall with sufficient smoothness to demand less styling and care.

Type 3b

type 3b

These curls are thicker, dryer, and tighter than type 3a, roughly the size of a whiteboard marker. This subtype generally has more volume and tends to be springy at the root. Moreover, it gets frizzy if not treated appropriately or if treated too much.

Type 3c

type 3c

Out of all the subtypes, 3c curls are the thickest and the tightest in structure. They are usually the size of a pencil and demand more time and care to be tamed. In other words, if not chemically treated, it is almost impossible to make these tendrils straight.

Their structure prevents the natural oils of the scalp from flowing down to the tips of the strands. That makes this type of hair much dryer and more likely to need different serums and conditioners for proper care.

How to Care for Your Type 3 Hair

The first step in deciding on your hair care is to know and understand your subtype. If you are not sure what it is, take a marker, a pencil, or a similar object and wrap it loosely around a curl to determine its size. You can use the info above to help you figure out which type you belong to.

Now, no matter the subtype, stick to these basic hair care rules:

1. Avoid Brushing and Blow-Drying

Excessive brushing, blow-drying, or straightening will make your hair frizzy, dry, and damaged. That is especially the case with types 3b and 3c. So, try to use the blow-dryer less and keep it in low-heat mode.

2. Avoid Excessive Shampooing and Use Good Hair Products

Do you want to maintain moisturized and healthy-looking hair with shiny, well-defined curls? To do so, you have to avoid heavy and frequent shampooing. Try to wash your hair once a week only, or even every ten days if you can hold off for that long.

After washing, always use a good leave-in conditioner or mask with natural ingredients and oils. Make sure that you always use high-quality hair products that bring out the beauty and softness of your hair but that do not alter the natural shape of curls.

3. Avoid Coloring and Chemical Treatments

Finally, you should minimize the chemical effects on your hair by coloring or straightening it less often — ideally, never. But, if you must do it, make sure the time between coloring or chemical straightening sessions is at least four months. That way, your hair will have enough time to recover.

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