Spanish Words That Start With D: A Complete List

by Laura C. Jones

Are you curious about native Spanish words that start with D? This letter is vastly used in the English language as it’s present in tons of everyday vocabulary.

Does this mean it also appears as frequently in the Spanish language? Or is it limited to loan/foreign words? Well, there are dozens upon dozens of Spanish words that start with D -both native and loan-, so you’re in for quite a ride!

Spanish Words That Start With D

The origin of the letter D dates back to 800 BC when the Phoenicians named it “dalet”. The Greeks later adopted the alphabet and called it “delta”.

After that, the Latin alphabet acquired the letter D and gave it the rounded shape it still carries today. There are also several ways to pronounce the letter D in Spanish words depending on its position in each word.

Spanish words that start with D English meaning/translation
Decepcion Disappointment
Democracia Democracy
Dictadura Dictatorship
Discordia Disagreement
Ducha Shower
Desgracia Misfortune
Datos Data
De Of
Dieta Diet
Docena Dozen
De acuerdo In agreement
Direccion Address
Duda Doubt
Dama Dame
Disagreement Amusement
Danza Dance
De la manana a.m.
De la tarde p.m.
De la noche p.m.
De con prisa In a hurry
De lo contrario Otherwise
De otro modo Otherwise
De nada You’re welcome
De vez en cuando From time to time
De vez de cuando Once in a while
De noche At night
Debate Debate
Debil Weak
Decente Decent
De madera Wooden
De ninguna manera By no means
Debjao (de) Under
De quien Whom (from)
De repente Suddenly
Decilitro Deciliter
De From
Desde From
Debilidad Debility
Deber Duty
Deber Should (ought)
Deber Must
Débito Debit
Decisivo Decisivo
Decisión Decision
Década Decade
Decadente Decadent
Decadencia Decadence
Declaración Declaration
Decidible Decidable
Decágono Decagon
Decorado Decorado
Decoración Decoration
Decorativo Decorative
Decimales similares Similar decimals
Decimales equivalentes Equivalent decimals
Decimal infinito Infinite decimal
Decimal finito Finite decimal
Decimales periódicos Periodic decimals
Decimo Tenth
Decímetro Decimeter
Decolorado Discolored
Decoro Decorum
Dedicado Dedicated
Delicioso Delicious
Delegación Delegation
Defecto Defect
Delgadoa Thin
Desembarazado Free
Delegado Delegate
Deleite Delight
Delirio Delirium
Dedo Finger
Demas The rest
Defensa Defense
Deltoide Deltoid
Delante de In front of
Delgado/a Slim
Deductivo Deduct
Deducción Deduction
Deductivo Deductive
Demanda Demand
Deficiente Deficient
Deficiencia Deficiency
Delgado Slender
Definición recursiva Recursive definition
Definición explícita Explicit definition
Delicado Delicate
Delicia Delicacy
Delicadeza Delicacy
Definitivo Definite
Definido Definite
Denso Dense
Demasiadoa Too much
Demasiado Too much
Depreciación Depreciación
Departamento Department
Demonio Demon
Densidad Density
Desfile Parade
Depósito Deposit
Democrático Democratic
Desgracia Disgrace
Denominador Denominator
Denominación Denomination
Dentista Dentist
Derivación Derivation
Deprimido/a Depressed
Deseo Desire
Denuncio Denunciation
Deseo Wish
Dependencia lineal Linear dependence
Dependencia Dependence
Deporte Sport
Desaceleración Deceleration
Dentro de Inside
Dentro de Within
Deposito Tank
Dependiente Shop assistant
Desesperado Desperate
Depresión Depression
Derelicto Derelict
Derecho Right
Desastre Disaster
Deseoso Desirous
Desafío Defiance
Descontento Discontent
Desconexión Disconnection
Deseado Desired
Deseable Desireable
Desafortunademente Unfortunately
Desesperación Despair
Desayuno Breakfast
Desesperación Desperation
Desagradable Disagreeable
Descripción Description
Desaparición Disappearance
Descender Descent
Descendente Descending
Desgraciado Disgraced
Descubrimiento Discovery
Designado Designated
Descendiente Descendent
Descendiente Descendant
Desempleo Uneployment
Desdén Disdain
Desde Since
Desorden Disorder
Detalle Detail
Detenido Detained
Detención Detention
Desierto Desert
Despotismo Despotism
Detras de Behind
Desordenado Disorderly
Diagrama Diagram
Desinterés Disinterest
Desordenado/a Messy
Detallado Detailed
Determinado Determined
Determinación Determination
Determinante Determinant
Despacho Dispatch
Desprecio Dispraise
Día Day
Dialecto Dialect
Despues de After/afterwards
Devoción Devoción
Dios God
Diablo Devil
Despacio Slowly
Desproporción Disproportion
Destino Destiny
Destinado Destined
Destino Destination
Desproporcionado Disproportionate
Diáfano Diaphanous
Destructivo Destructive
Destruido Destroyed
Destrucción Destruction
Deuda Debt
Diálogo Dialogue
Desviación Deviation
Diagonal principal Principal diagonal
Dictador Dictator
Dictado Dictation
Dictamen Dictate
Diámetro Diameter
Diciembre December
Dieciocho Eightteen
Diario Diary
Diecinueve Nineteen
Diamante Diamond
Dieciseis Sixteen
Dibujo Drawing
Diccionario Dictionary
Diecisiete Seventeen
Diferenciable Differentiable
Diferencia Difference
Diferenciación Differentiation
Diferente Different
Diente Tooth
Diez Ten
Diferencial Differential
Dificultad Difficulty
Difícilmente Difficultly
Difícil Difficult
Diferencial Differential
Diferenciación implícita Implicit differentiation
Diferente Different
Difuso Diffuse
Difusión Diffusion
Digno Dignified
Dignidad Dignity
Dinámico Dynami
Difunto Defunct
Dígito binario Binary digit
Dígito Digit
Diputado Deputy
Dinosaurio Dinosaur
Diligencia Diligence
Directriz Directrix
Dimensionalidad Dimensionality
Discípulo Disciple
Dinamita Dynamite
Diplomático Diplomatic
Disciplina Discipline
Dirección Direction
Dique Dike
Disco Disc
Directo Direct
Directamente Directly
Discusión Discussion
Disgusto Disgust
Disolución Dissolution
Discreto Discreto
Discontinuo Discontinuous
Discurso Discourse
Disertación Dissertation
Disminución Diminution
Discriminación Discrimination
Distinguido Distinguished
Distinción Distinction
Distancia Distance
Discriminante Discriminant
Distinto Distinct
Disputa Dispute
Disposición Disposition
Distancia preservada Distance preserved
Distancia horizontal Horizontal distance
Distributivo Distributive
Distancia vertical Distancia vertical
Disyunción inclusiva Inclusive disjunction
Disyunción disjunction-
Distributividad Distributivity
Distraído Distracted
Distante Distant
Distorsión Distortion
Distrito, el barrio District
Distribución normal Normal distribution
Distribución Distribution
Distribuido Distributed
Divergente Divergent
Divergencia Divergence
Diverso Diverse
Diversidad Diversity
Divertido Diverted
Dividio pro Dividio pro
Dividido Divided
Dividendo Dividend
Divertido Fun
Divisor nulo Null divisor
Divisor cero Zero divisor
Divertir Amusement
División sintética Synthetic division
División interna Internal division
División sucesiva Succesive division
Divino Divine
Divisibilidad Divisibility
Doctor,medico Doctor
Doce Twelve
Doble Double
Dócil Docile
Doctrina Doctrine
Doloroso/a Painful
Divorcio Divorce
Divorciado Divorced
Doctorado Doctorate
Documento Document
Dolor de garganta Sore throat
Dolor de cabeza Headache
Dolor Ache
Dominación Domination
Doméstico Domestic
Dominante Dominant
Dominio Dominion
Domingo Sunday
Dondequiera Wherever
Donde Where
Dos puntos Colon
Dór Dollar
Dormitorio Bedroom
Dormido Dormant
Dormido Asleep
Dos Two
Dúctil Ductile
Dosciento Two hundred
Dramático Dramatic
Duelo Duel
Dudoso Doubtful
Duplicado Duplicate
Dulce Sweet
Dulce Dulcet
Dulce Candy
Dueno/a Owner
Duo Duet
Daga Dagger
Duque Duke
Duración Duration
Duro/a, dificil Hard
Durante During
Dadivoso Generous
Dado Dice

Honorable Mentions

  • Places such as Dakota del Norte (North Dakota), Dakota del Sur (South Dakota), and Delaware.
  • Names such as Daniel, Daniela, and David.
  • Apps such as Duolingo.
  • Businesses such as Dunkin’ Donuts.

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