Social Media Use and Its Connection to Mental and Physical Health

by Laura C. Jones

Sitting all day long can have adverse health issues. Considering the number of diseases associated with it, it is one of the worst things for health as it takes a number of lives each year. Sitting idle scrolling through social media is even worst and can cause even bigger issues.

We’re all aware that social media has had a huge impact on our lives, but the extent of that impact is shocking. Heavy usage of social media has even been linked in some studies to depression and mental health issues, as well as general discontent with life. Many beneficial parts of social media, on the other hand, have been found to have the opposite effect. Overall, it appears that social networking can be both beneficial and harmful.

We’ve assembled a collection of studies using our high-speed internet that suggests staying away from social media to avoid falling into its trap without jeopardizing your physical or mental health. Check out spectrum internet promociones in case you are looking for a reliable connection at an affordable price.

Let’s take a look at how it impacts our mental and physical health overall.


While cell phones may not have a big impact on our health, they are linked to an increased risk of depression, according to a recent study published in the journal PNAS. At night, exposure to light, particularly the short-wavelength blue light emitted by computers, phones, and tablets, stimulates melatonin production, which reduces alertness. So, if you’re attempting to lose weight or avoid sadness, turning off your phone before night can be a good idea! Not only that, but the same study discovered that those who use their cell phones more regularly are more likely to be socially isolated.

Higher levels of screen usage are linked to negative mental health outcomes such as sadness, anxiety, loneliness, sleep problems, exhaustion, and low self-esteem. Furthermore, there is evidence suggesting those who spend a lot of time on social media sites have lower levels of happiness than those who don’t use them as much.

Bottom line: For best physical and mental health, we need face-to-face relationships, not only online contacts! In fact, scientists feel that technology may affect our perceptions of ourselves, making us unhappy with life in general.


According to a new study, those who spend too much time online are more likely to have sleep issues, such as insomnia, excessive daytime sleepiness, and even poor focus. These abnormalities, especially in children, can lead to long-term health concerns. Because of their developing brains, the effects of social media may be even more obvious in children. If you’re having difficulties sleeping, consider restricting your technology use for a few hours before night (or during the day) to see if it helps.


Stress is one of today’s major causes of premature death, according to researchers, and it has already become an epidemic in both the United States and overseas. It’s difficult to avoid worrying about deadlines, work tasks, relationships with friends or family members—and so many other factors—as our lives become busier by the day. Taking a few minutes out of your day to sit down and enjoy social media websites like Facebook or Twitter is one way to relieve stress.


There’s scientific evidence to back up what your mother has always said: happiness makes you healthy. Happier people, according to research, have stronger immune systems, are more productive, feel more loved and accepted, and live longer. The problem is that social media has the potential to make us unhappy. It’s all too tempting to compare ourselves to others—to people who are more attractive or have larger money accounts—and to feel inadequate.

Mental Health

People who use social media frequently are more likely to feel socially alienated, lonely, and sad, according to research. As a strategy to cope with these bad emotions, these feelings might develop into addictive behaviors. When you feel like you need some time away from your devices, it’s crucial to take a step away from them. Consider turning off all of your alerts so that you aren’t constantly flooded with information about what other people are up to or how unhappy they are with their lives.

Bottom Line

Apart from making it simpler to connect with others, social media is a convenient tool to avoid work when it becomes difficult. These tools appear to be innocent at first glance, but studies show that overusing them can be just as harmful to your health as other vices. According to a study conducted by University College London researchers, persons who check Facebook for more than two hours each day are 50 percent more likely to acquire depression than those who do not use Facebook at all.

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