3 Tips to Make Your LinkedIn Account Stand Out in 2023

by Laura C. Jones

Social networks, of course, play a big role now – it’s like a huge network of various connections that can be useful in different areas of our lives. But when it comes to work, people all say that LinkedIn is the best place for job seekers who want to receive excellent offers about cooperation and work.

It’s true, and the numbers don’t lie: about 210 million job applications are submitted monthly. This platform greatly simplifies the job search and helps create a powerful online image and declare yourself as a true professional. So, if you’re looking for the perfect job or want to become a more in-demand specialist in your niche, you definitely should be here.

But there is one “but”; it will be quite difficult for you to stand out from the crowd without knowledge of some strategic secrets and tips. Many job seekers are far from promotion and don’t understand what parameters affect their visibility on the network. Today we’ll share three tips for success in 2023 you should know. Read on!

1. Invest in your profile

A quick and high-quality result costs money – it’s true, people know it, but not everyone uses this rule in the promotion. This is one of the biggest mistakes of newcomers. They are afraid to delegate some PR tasks and use third-party help, so they stay behind competitors and cannot achieve results. Don’t follow their example and think ahead; it’ll be much easier for you, and your promo process here will be smooth and comfortable.

One of the best-paid boosts is the opportunity to buy LinkedIn accounts; it’s an easy and fast way to improve your profile overnight and get benefits. You can use the purchased pages in different ways. For example, personalize for yourself (add your photo, resume, and portfolio), or use connections already on the old account. So, through them, you can get more interactions with your main page and make your profile visible to recruiters.

2. Become more active

LI is not just a job board with resumes and portfolios, it’s a professional social network. This means that an equally important indicator here is your activity: explore creator mode, start writing posts, comments, and likes, and demonstrate your skills in practice. All this is part of your brand, so we recommend writing publications and interacting with users.

This way, you’ll improve engagement and stand out from the competition – a great opportunity to attract the attention of a recruiter from a dream company and get job offers.

3. Think like a recruiter

It’s not enough to have a good profile photo and a great resume, and you also need to focus on your biography and make it attractive to the recruiter. The best way to do this is to think like him. First, think about which company you want to get offers from and which specialist they would like to get. A lot depends on it. Then analyze: what information in the profile will attract a hiring manager? What problems should an ideal specialist be able to solve?

The answers to these questions will help you create a powerful biography and attract the attention of recruiters. Don’t rush, and don’t be afraid to change your profile by adding something new; hiring managers want to learn much about you through your biography.

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